Thursday, October 20, 2011

How fit is fit?

I was asked TODAY to do a fitness lecture TOMORROW about fitness, which got me fit do you have to be to qualify to talk about fitness???

Sure I've been a runner for over 2 years, sure I have a gym membership, sure I had a personal trainer who taught me the basics, yes I was a sub spin instructor, and I do workout 5 days a week, but do I really know how to tell someone else to get off the couch and as Nike said, "Just Do It"?

I look at some of the women at my gym and I don't even compare! They've got muscles any man would envy. So what do you think?? Will I disgrace myself, or will I motivate?? Has anyone else been in this position?


  1. Ah Tiffany, you broke the first rule of fitness, never compare yourself to someone else. I don't really know if that's the first rule or not, but it's a good rule none the less. Don't worry about how fit you are that isn't the point. Your job is to give us a place to start, and a reason to keep going. Tell us how you developed a passion for fitness, what started it and what keeps you going. Throw in a couple of commentaries on your favorite workouts, nutrition, likes/dislikes and, most importantly, how you make the time for it. You got this.

  2. Thank you so much!! I needed to hear that to reassure myself! Your awesome! :)
